
Learning to dance takes time, so kids need consistency to see meaningful progress. We charge by the month based on how many hours the student takes per week.

We offer prorating, so if your dancer is starting partway through the month we will adjust that first months fee. If your dancer or family has an unforeseen issue and will be absent for an extended time please let us know and we will consider prorating or credit options.

We got you covered, if your kid does end up missing a class that was already paid for. For this you can take an appropriate makeup-class within 30 days.


Annual Registration Fee



Held during trial period

Trial Drop-In Rate



In order to hold a spot, decision must be made within 2 weeks of trial.

Sibling Discount


10% off

Classes Only

Class Performance Costumes or rentals


$90 or less

Billed in February

Performance Fee



For either Diana Wortham or IC Imagine, tickets sold separately, Billed in March

Tuition Rates

Weekly Time No. of 45min Classes Monthly Tuition
30min 0.66 $50
45min 1 $60
1hr 1.33 $70
1hr 15min 1.66 $77
1hr 30min 2 $84
1hr 45min 2.33 $94
2hr 2.66 $104
2hr 15min 3 $109
2hr 30min 3.33 $120
2hr 45min 3.66 $125
3 hr 4 $130
3hr 15min 4.33 $145
3hr 30min 4.66 $155
3hr 45min 5 $165
4hr 5.33 $175
4hr 15min 5.66 $185
4hr 30min 6 $195
4hr 45min 6.33 $210
5hr 6.66 $215
5hr 15min 7 $220
5hr 30min 7.33 $225
5hr 45min 7.66 $235
6hr 8 $250
6hr 30min 8.66 $260
7hr 9.33 $275
8hr 10.66 $300
9hr 12 $340

note: each student's total time is added up separately. When enrolling for classes through the portal don't worry if you see the class pricing added individually, pricing schema is applied in the invoice.

Private Lesson Rates

Who it's for? Half Hour Hour
Momentum Students $30 $60
Non-Momentum Students $40 $80

Tuition and Expense Policy: Full monthly tuition is due on the first of each month. Tuition is paid through automatic withdrawal from your credit or debit card account. We ask that you opt in to save your payment information on file when you receive your invoice. If you are adding or removing classes for your next month's billing please contact us no later than 5 days before the first of the month.

There is an annual $25 Registration Fee, charged upon the beginning of your account and each subsequent September or when you reactivate your account, non-refundable.

Missed classes: When a student misses a class, they will not be refunded that part of tuition or prorated on the next month. Instead that student receives a class credit that can be redeemed to take any class regardless of length within the month.

There will be a $30.00 fee for returned checks.

Please note: tuition is based on the season regardless of how many weeks are in a given month. Tuition payments average out to four classes each month. We don't prorate for holidays, our pricing takes them into account.

Once your plan is worked out, we will will send you an invoice via email/text or charge you on site securely using Stripe©.

Adult Pricing

Adult class sessions are paid in total by the month. Price is based on how many classes are offered per session.

At the present we only offer Adult Contemporary, Thursdays at 7:45-8:30pm.

Trial the class for $15

Session Price Classes per session
January $75 5
February $60 4
March $60 4

There is an annual $10 Registration Fee, charged at the beginning of your account and each subsequent September or upon reactivation of your account, non-refundable. If you are registering a child for classes as well, then you will instead pay the $25 Family Registration Fee.

Payment must be paid at the beginning of the month to reserve your spot. We highly recommend saving your card on file and enabling autopay to we can be sure there are enough attendees to keep the series open. If you cannot make it to an upcoming series you can let us know or manage your account through the class manager portal.

We offer trial classes at $15 for first time attendees. If you decide to continue the session then what you paid for the trial will be taken out of the rest of class session payment. Special cases will be handled on a case by case basis.

There will be a $30.00 fee for returned checks.